Last week we were invited to watch the premiere of a brand new football cartoon that goes by the name of “Warren United” which is due to air later this month on ITV and we sent one of our team to check it out.
The creators of this show are very well experienced having worked with a lot of well renowned people in the past and they have also wrote some amazing shows before such as Men Behaving Badly, Gavin and Stacey and the Mighty Boosh so they are very well known amongst the English comedy scene and they are devout Arsenal fans too.
Their experience shows in the writing of Warren United, they are able to capture so well the every day life of a football family and show with ease some of the situations that occur when you have a fan in the family.
Warren is a 37 year old football fan who has a deep love for his club Brainsford United, he also has a love for his family and like every football season ticket holder can relate to during the season it can be a sacrifice between family time and the club you love. In the first episode you see Warren driving his family mad whilst he is waiting for the new season to start and they try all kinds of methods to keep his mind off football and get him into DIY instead which as you can imagine prompts a few hilarious situations. The characters involved with Warren have been very well developed and add an extra dimension to the storyline as well as humour. I especially like Warren’s randy mother and her boyfriend and Warren’s best friend is also very cool.
This cartoon took me right back to childhood where football was an obsession for half our house and they other half suffered as a result. Me and my dad were avid football fans but took it to the extreme which put off my mum and sister, we spent every moment of the weekend at football or watching it on tv and that is what Warren United brought back for, a time full of fond memories. Not only does Warren United have a nostalgic feel it’s clear to see the writers themselves are all very keen football fans and they have shared their experience of the football world in their programme.
Warren United is funny, brave and very engaging! An element of family guy mixed in with football this cartoon is sure to be a hit!
Please tune in to watch Warren United on ITV 4 at 10pm-just after the Champions League semi-final, it’s really worth watching and if nothing else you’ll laugh for 30 mins.
Check out their website for more information.