can keep you up with every save, shot, play and goal, from an Arsenal point of view
For all you Gooners out there who won’t get the chance to watch the match live, I’m wondering whether you would like me to run live updates throughout the match. The draw back is you will have to refresh your page a lot to see my live edits, however you would get them from an Arsenal point of view and I’ll keep you up to speed on how our tactics are looking, who is playing well etc, as well as commentating the match for your benefit.
If you would appreciate this, vote yes on the poll, and I’d be happy to if theres a reasonable number who are keen.
Please only vote if you are not already able to watch the match live, and would like updates. Otherwise, the results will be distorted.
I will try and post as many videos as I can with the updates; goals, saves etc, to get you as involved as possible.
[polldaddy poll=2922576]
You can also join in on the pre and post match discussion on the forum.