I didn’t want to post straight after the game as some of you always say that my posts are just a knee jerk reaction.
But now i have had time to think about the game I have to say that the Arsenal fans who STILL have faith in wenger are ether to stupid to see the light or just as stubborn as Wenger.
Poor tactics – this 4-5-1 is clearly not working vs the better teams.If you are going to play with only one striker, he has got to be strong and able to holed the ball up and link the play. And also able to compete with the physical side of the game.
Who has Wenger been using ( Eduardo and Arshavin ) 2 of the smallest, weakest players you can find. And TBH both players have been made to look shit. You cant blame the players. Blame the manager for picking this crap.
Wenger didn’t sign a striker to play this role so why not go back 2 a 4-4-2?
Lack of signings – Wenger can bang on about how he nearly signed a player on deadline day and how he almost signed David Villa all he wants. The sad fact is that he had ALL last summer to address this problems. He had the money from the sales of Adebayor and Toure, ask 90% of fans or people who know something about the game if Arsenal were short of a few players to win the league and they would all say the same things. Need a keeper, A ball winner in midfield and a striker. We all knew that before the start of the season. Come the Jan transfer window were are in a fantastic position to fight for the title as both the chavs and Man utd have dropped points. We are top after a win vs Bolton but like me alot of fans still wanted Wenger to strengthen the team with maybe 2 signings to really give us a boost to kick on and win the league. The signings didn’t come and now 3 games on we are in danger of dropping out of the top 3 into 4th.
Playing players in their wrong position – How many times have we seen Eduardo and Nic on the wings, or Arshavin as a lone striker? its the square pegs in round holes debate again.
2 much faith in poor players – We all knew that Almunia was not good enough to be our long term number one keeper. Sometimes a keeper wins you a game by making match winning saves, Just like Cech did this weekend. Its seems like everytime Almunia has a shot on target it a goal. When was the last time he make a decent save of note? Denilson was never going to be good enough to cover for Song. We all knew that we needed one more DM player at the start of the season….
How many more things do you want?
I said before the Villa, Man Utd, Chavs and Liverpool games that to win the title we needed to take 9 pts from 12 pts, at the mo its 1pt from 9.. Just shows that we are not good enough to win the league. And if we lose to Liverpool? Then what? From 1st to 4th in 4 games
People can blame players like Almunia and Denilson all they want…the only person to blame is Wenger.
He is living off the glory days (before 2005) this needs to change. The in arsene we trust banner must now come down.
Wenger Out, Mourinho In
Sign the petition to get Wenger sacked ( HERE )