Arsene Wenger is the best thing we have in modern football he holds the key to the next generation of football and has what many coaches disire, but then again in accounts not all balance sheets balance sometimes there is a suspense account and the chief acountant always need an explanation has to what has caused the difference.
Now what we need from Wenger is to prove to us that not only does he have great coaching quality but also great ability to listen to other people’s suggestion for the improvement of the team. We have became a laughing stock for the past few months and it really hurts if your a fan and there is nothing you can do to change things. For the betterment of this time Arsenal board should balance betweeen business and funs matters atleast to make things level for everyone. Problems are about sharing and that’s what we should be doing for now. Lets us join hands together to lift our team up. # concerned Arsenal fun
By Teddy Junior
From all of us at Arsenal Action, Happy Birthday Arsene