Since he has returned from this broken leg Eduardo has never looked the same player to me.
Before the injury he was clinical in front of goal. Now he has just lost the magic in that left foot.
He seems to miss a hell of a lot more chances now,Before his injury 1 on 1 with the goalie was always end up with the ball hitting the net, now he just seems to miss everytime. ONE goal in TEN games for Edaurdo and he almost missed that aswell. This is not the same player we saw pre leg break.
The only good thing about Eduardo was that he was a clinical finisher.
Apart from that he didnt really bring anything to the team. Will the real Eduardo please stand up!!!
Also, Its great to see Diaby now showing his class.
People use to doubt Diaby and moan about him.
But in the last 2 games you have seen how good he can be. Big powerful and hard to knock off the ball. And he can score goals.
So whats changed?
Well. He is now playing in the middle and not on the left wing. Diaby is the man to play in the Cesc role. and thats why he is now showing his class.
By Roger Milla