Arsenal Action is a brand new Arsenal fans forum on the net….
And we want your take on all things Gunners, from serious debates to joking banter with other forum members. You will be made to feel welcome by all members of the board and other users. Your opinion will always be valued and respected.
Have a serious debate with users in the Arsenal Action area, get to know others in the Welcome section, discuss matches before and after the game in the Match Day topics, get excited about the latest transfer news, and chat in the live shoutbox. There is much more to do as well as this, you can get involved with the Graphics, Babes, Music and the TV & Films categorys.
We aim to give you the best, most complete Gooner experience. We very much welcome opposition fans on board, their opinions will be greatly appreciated.
Post good insight and quality, and get promoted to have various different priveledges on the forum.
Complete with our own blog, from which you will be able to view news, pre-match and post-match reports on the best team in the world.
Join the forum today!